VoxelX (GRAY) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameVoxelX
Start DateTBA
End DateTBA

VoxelX’s mission is to revolutionize the multidisciplinary learning by creating an online DICOM-platform to simulate medical learning. VoxelX’s team is one of the few that is working since 2013 in implementing DICOM-images in medical e-learning specially in radiology field. Our beta version DICOM-platform has been published online at www.voxelx.com in December 2016 at the RSNA (Radiological society of north America) annual meeting in Chicago, USA.

Senior web-developer
DICOM programmer expert
Price1 GRAY = 0.002 USD Sale4,500,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution45% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap1,500 ETH Hard Cap25,000 ETH