Terawatt (LED) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameTerawatt
Start DateOctober 16, 2018
End DateJanuary 15, 2019

Leverage blockchain technology to help reduce global lighting electricity consumption 50 percent (roughly 2000 Terawatts) by 2035, while also increasing light output by 50 percent. Terawatt will also create a deflationary currency to compete with FIAT and digital alternatives like Bitcoin.  Terawatt aims to tackle other renewable sectors like Solar, Wind, Electric Vehicles after proof of concept is achieved with L.E.D.s.


Price1 LED = 0.40 USD Sale65,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum Investment0.2 ETH Distribution65% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap500,000 USD Hard Cap13,500,000 USD