Ten Billion Coin IEO (YBY) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameTen Billion Coin IEO
Start DateAugust 28, 2019
End DateSeptember 28, 2019
5 years ago
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Ten Billion Coin is a new blockchain designed to empower Chinese industries looking to leverage the power of distributed ledger technology to implement a fair platform where all transactions are recorded and open. This will allow existing companies to take advantage of this technology to provide transparent financial reports, supply chain management, authentic product verification, customers usage and satisfaction report, etc.
Ten Billion Coin is not trying to reinvent the wheel in blockchain, but helping existing companies apply the advantages of the blockchain to their currently established business models to build stronger communities around their products or services via greater transparency.  Ten Billion Coin’s goal is to help companies integrate blockchain technology as a tool for their business the same way that internet integration began in the 90’s.

Price0.0050 USD Sale6,000,000,000 Payment ModeETH, BTC, USDT
Minimum Investment4000 YBY Distribution60% Raised$630,000
Soft Cap3,000,000 USD Hard Cap30,000,000 USD