Solomonstouch (MIL) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameSolomonstouch
Start DateApril 01, 2018
End DateTBA
CountryUnited States
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Solomonstouch is a humanitarian donation platform that merges blockchain technology with nonprofit and outreach and aims to provide real use solutions in the nonprofit ecosystem to henceforth underdeveloped regions throughout the world. 80% of All proceeds from this platform go directly toward outreach mission projects who currently have a direct impact in changing the economic status of those in need. We partner with mission projects all over the world who specialize in providing resources like, food, water, education, wireless internet to people who need them most. We’ve worked with poverty and economic experts to develop a 3 step system that our data shows can greatly henceforth impoverished areas.

Joel Garcia Joel Garcia Blockchain Technical Advisor
Product & Investor Relations Advisor
Price1 MIL = 0.0025 USD Sale19,500,000,000 Payment ModeNEO, BTC, ETH
Minimum Investment100 USD Distribution49% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap34 000 000 USD