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The Skelpy project aim is to create a totally decentralized and clear blockchain, in which every wallet has a certified digital identity. Transactions will be visible to everybody, but the individuals will be certified and recognized following visibility criterion. So it will be possible for the user to issue transactions on the blockchain with a certified wallet (natural person or legal person) or with an uncertified wallet. The Skelpy blockchain is based on technology DPS (Delegate Proof of Stake) in which there are 51 forging nodes that has the task of maintaining the net active and working. Skelpy project intends to offer a certifying service for wallets in the property circle, ever allowing the use of non-nominative wallets inside the blockchain. Certifying the wallet gives many benefits in terms of security and services to those who use Skelpy blockchain. A certified wallet is safer than a non-certified one as it can dispose of ancillary functions and services. A certified wallet attests that a specified subject recognized by the system is owner of that wallet; this permits transparency and security in transactions between two subjects. The wallet certifying process is an irreversible procedure, because to a single wallet can be associated a unique natural or legal subject. Besides, a certified user can have other certified or non-nominative (not certified) wallets. SkeplySystem is a decentralized platform that permits to certify and recognize the wallets inside the Skelpy circle. Through this system it will be possible to recognize the subjects involved in the transactions on the basis of the level of authority allowed by the wallets owners. The wallets can be recognized at the discretion of the rightful owner that decides the visibility of his own wallet.