Shardus (ULT) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameShardus
Start DateJanuary 01, 2019
End DateDecember 31, 2019
5 years ago
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The future of blockchain and distributed ledger technology holds enormous promise for radically transforming many of the current trust-based systems and services, as well as impacting just about every industry in the world. However, the delivery of this promise hinges upon the creation of infrastructure software that implements fast, efficient, trustless, secure and highly scalable peer-to-peer networks. The state-of-the-art is currently experimenting with different models of achieving greater scalability and efficient consensus in such networks. The Shardus project will develop novel distributed ledger technology which incorporates sharding and auto-scaling to provide high throughput, low latency, and immediate finality while maintaining the highest level of decentralization and security possible. The availability of such technology will be useful not only to private enterprises, but also to public ledgers, thus enabling global-scale, decentralized applications able to accommodate billions of daily active users. The first application of this technology will be a peer-to-peer payment network called Liberdus.which inherits the distributed ledger technology and adds self-governance and a maintenance fund.

Price0.1000 USD SaleN/A Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A DistributionN/A RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard CapN/A