Scopuly (SKY) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameScopuly
Start DateJanuary 10, 2020
End DateJanuary 25, 2020
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Scopuly is a secure mobile cryptographic platform for the era of crypto currency. People can safely store, attract, spend, pay, and exchange crypto-currency assets in one convenient and safe application.

In Scopuly, all trades and transactions are performed directly between the participants, in blockchain, without a centralized database (which can easily be compromised by someone such as a hacker). Scopuly does not depend on the central server or database and all transactions (transactions of transfers, exchanges, exchange orders, emission of crypto assets) are made on Stellar blockchain.

Our mission is to provide a reliable platform for storing and generating new crypto-currencies, and a decentralized platform for crypto exchange/trading transactions, which is based on blockchain technologies and smart contracts. Scopuly has its own crypto asset - SKY.

Price0.0020 USD Sale5,000,000,000 Payment ModeXLM
Minimum Investment1 SKY Distribution50% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap28,000,000 USD