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PYC is a new way of thinking, living & communicating. In the modern age, we live in a global village and for that reason, we should all be united around a global currency. PYC is the solution of global currency which aims to build a standardized decentralized ecosystem for online identities. PYC is a diverse, integrated, distributed trust network and the infrastructure for building a trusted ecosystem. We have a global patent pending on a technology that allows instant cryptocurrency payments. We are developing an API that will allow easy integration to accept PYC instantly. This means it will be simple to allow an e-commerce system to give an instant checkout.
PYC is a peer-to-peer electronic monetary system based on cryptography like Bitcoin. It exhibits properties similar to physical currencies (such as dollars or coins), however, what makes it distinct is that it allows for instantaneous transactions and border-less transfer-of-ownership. As all the payments are processed through secured servers, so that users no need to worry about any risk involved, it is the most user-friendly system that allows your trust and control over it. is accessible and available wherever and whenever you are in need, no limits, no boundaries, which means you can purchase or sell products and services, transfer money to your family and friends at an extremely low cost by an instant confirmation network without any interruption.