Nutrilifeio OÜ (NutrilifeT) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameNutrilifeio OÜ
Start DateMay 22, 2019
End DateAugust 17, 2019
5 years ago
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NutriLifeio OÜ helps Individuals who need personalized nutrition screening, counseling by using blockchain technology to self govern data, tokens to connect to nutritionists, finding the best foods and moreover… Eating is emotion, it's happiness, it's the thing we do every day. Food safety and good nutrition are the keys to the future of our generation. The more we will have healthy and cool food, the less we will have health problems and food waste. Everywhere we live, there is the need to have access to a healthy food that can satisfy their taste and health needs. Knowing how to nourish your body by fulfilling your real needs requires a great deal of effort to come back to listening to and finding the right food that appeals to the mind, the senses and makes us feel good. Moreover, we are all different for genetic, biological and cultural reasons, the best nutrition for each individual, should be personalized and tailored, taking into account his specific needs and characteristics. The modern genetic and biological test allows understanding these differences in our body system in the food process, digestion, and accumulation. NutriLifeio OÜ helps people find the best food for their individual needs, in terms of taste, health, Nutrition, wellness and satisfaction. The deep understanding of bio-genetic aptitude, of personal taste, of specific health commitments, is necessary reach each personal goal of wellness, fitness and health. NutriLifeio OÜ is the innovative platform that supports people in finding the best nutrition screening and experts for food productions and the correct dining proposals. With NutriLifeio OÜ you will have the guarantee to easily follow your best nutrition screening & diet in any location and to enjoy any meal with the awareness that it’s the maximum for your health.

Price0.0200 USD Sale300,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum Investment0.5 ETH Distribution60% RaisedUnknown
Soft Cap9,000 ETH Hard Cap50,000 ETH