MiMiner (MIT) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameMiMiner
Start DateNovember 24, 2018
End DateDecember 25, 2018
5 years ago
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The MiMiner project is built by MiMiner Pte. Ltd., which is a developer of mining service and engineering solutions for mining hosting. If you are interested in the project, you may become its participant and user of our hosting service at the best price by purchasing and using MIT Tokens which have designed capacity up to 20 megawatts (1 watt = 1 MIT Token) at ICO stage.

MiMiner (center of equipment hosting) – is a combination of specifically designed rooms, outdoor sites, associated utilities supporting systems and staff. This forms a common physical space and technology environment for mining equipment as well as readiness to operate 24/7.

Main service functions: sale of new mining equipment, equipment’s host and setup, maintenance of equipment’s uninterrupted operation, service users support, equipment’s repair, intra-service equipment’s purchase and sale among users, maintenance of private blockchains, and MiMiner mining equipment full history service.

Price1 MIT = 1 USD Sale20,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum Investment1 USD Distribution87% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard CapN/A