ImpetusOne (NUDGE) ICO Details & Financial Information

More Info About ICO

ICO NameImpetusOne
Start DateTBA
End DateTBA

Impetus One is a revolutionary advertising engine, changing the rules of online advertising. It does so through a mutually beneficial relationship between the advertiser, publisher and the customer. We are changing the paradigm in online advertising: the customer is not the target anymore, but rather a partner to be rewarded, based on a mission completion principle, for the benefit of the entire ecosystem. We all prosper from the money our customers spend. That’s how economy works!

Price1 NUDGE = 0.0000125 ETH Sale1,776,600,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum Investment0.01 ETH Distribution47% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap5,000 ETH Hard Cap22,200 ETH