HashNet BitEco (HNB) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameHashNet BitEco
Start DateFebruary 20, 2019
End DateFebruary 20, 2019
5 years ago
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HNB mission is to design a Blockchain based economic operation mechanism for a closed-loop economic entity. HNB believes that economic incentives, when transparent and properly implemented, will motivate people to be both active and good participants in the economic entity, if those incentives can be earned throughout the various processes that run this entity, powered by the communities’ own members. This strengthens the participation and creativity of participants while at the same time allowing the entity to become more dynamic and scalable. The open and vigorous governance mechanism, various business partners, large enough base of users, and the latest technologies help to establish a global self-evolution and self-development HNB economic entity. Based on the next generation of Blockchain technology, HNB team is confident and committed to grow its business entity into one of the largest decentralized economic communities in the world.

Price0.0880 USD Sale22,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution25% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap19,000,000 USD