FootStar (FTST) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameFootStar
Start DateSeptember 07, 2018
End DateDecember 31, 2018
CountryCzech Republic
5 years ago
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FootStar is a decentralized social platform and marketplace for football. It connects football and blockchain to create new opportunities for players, coaches, clubs, stadiums, fans, investors and traders. Our goal is to create hi-tech ecosystem around football, which will bring involvement experience to the next level and make it accessible for everybody. By applying blockchain technology we can think about custom tokens backed by legal contracts as a new financial instrument that will remove middlemen in the football industry and become a "stable harbor" in the volatile cryptocurrency market. We will provide football-aimed social network and decentralized exchange where everybody will have the ability to invest into clubs or athletes using FTST token.

Chief Executive Officer
Price0.0426 USD Sale207,985,055 Payment ModeETH, BTC, LTC
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution70% RaisedUnknown
Soft CapN/A Hard CapN/A