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It u lizes Ethereum blockchain technology (ether ERC20) to solve the prevalent challenges in the crypto industry and serve as a medium whereby a nancier will be able to establish and trade loyalty points based on reward programs o ered by airlines, banks, phone companies, shops and hotels. Loyalty programs are structured marke ng strategies designed by merchants to encourage customers to con nue to shop at or use the services of businesses associated with each program. These programs exist covering most types of commerce, each one having varying features and rewards-schemes. Banks currently purchase points sold by loyalty programs such as frequent yer programs as part of co-branded credit card por olio deals. The airlines use the revenue for various purposes, for example to buy new planes, while the banks can gain new customers willing to spend more to increase their points. According to ACE, Loyalty points had a book value of around $350 billion in 2015 and will be worth an es mated $500 billion by 2019. This mammoth wealth is currently controlled by selected individuals/ companies and requires a medium to store, sell and exchange these assets OTC (over the counter).