Emiba (EMB) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameEmiba
Start DateJune 01, 2018
End DateDecember 31, 2019
4 years ago
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Emiba is an international scientific and technical business project. The aim is the synthesis of new materials with extreme properties for the industry, including synthetic diamonds using ultrahigh pressures. The concentrator is a device for obtaining and retaining ultrahigh pressures developed by a group of Russian engineers in the early 2000s. All patent rights and commercial names belong to the Emiba project. The main goal of the project is the organization of a highly profitable business and production based on its own designed device (Concentrator) to intend for the synthesis of new materials using ultrahigh pressure. The planned organizational and legal form of business is a joint-stock company with further distribution of profit among shareholders-investors. The commercial goal is to reduce the cost of production of diamond raw for processors' and chips’ substrates for microelectronics in comparison with existing synthesis technologies. Additional is the possibility of economical and safe creating other raw materials as borazon, polymers and new stable crystalline structures of high importance with significant prospects in terms of practical application in many industries.

Chief Executive Officer
Chief PR Officer
Chief Marketing Officer
Price1.0000 USD SaleN/A Payment ModeETH, BTC, LTC, Fiat
Minimum Investment50 USD Distribution58% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap15,000,000 USD Hard Cap21,000,000 USD