DClear (DCH) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameDClear
Start DateAugust 08, 2019
End DateAugust 08, 2019
5 years ago
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DClear Digital Clearing House, as the first digital clearing house using DLT in the world, aims to create a secure, transparent and credible digital clearing ecosystem, and promote the process of compliance for global digital asset trading market.

DClear creates the concept of Detripling among trading, clearing and asset storing, which will secure digital assets, minimize trading risks and protect investors’ rights and interests.

DClear develops Hyperledger  DClear consortium chain and unites exchange partners globally to manage and maintain the clearing infrastructure of token economy jointly. This whitepaper will introduce the importance of clearing house in the developing process for token economy, and explain how DClear team construct a new digital asset trading and clearing ecosystem by building DClear Digital Clearing House, and analyze the value of the new ecosystem for every participant.

Founder / CEO
Director of DClear Institute
Price0.0400 USD SaleN/A Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A DistributionN/A RaisedUnknown
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap218,400 USD