CrowdForce (CRF) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameCrowdForce
Start DateTBA
End DateTBA
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94% of all transactions in most emerging markets are done using physical cash. As a result, the bulk of the economic activities that go on in these regions occurs at the subsistence level and are done primarily offline through traditional outlets. This creates huge problems for companies trying to determine consumer behaviour as a barometer to understand the dynamics of the market. It is of utmost importance to develop adequate strategies that can ignite growth in the emerging markets before they fall too far behind in the global economic narrative.

Underserved populations want affordable access to quality products and financial services. Companies, NGOs, startups, governments and blockchain companies are constantly looking for ways to effectively serve these markets.

CrowdForce uses mobile technology and the largest merchant agent network to help businesses, banks, digital wallets and exchange companies access the underserved population in emerging markets.

The aim of this white paper is to demonstrate the merits of the CrowdForce approach which creates a suitable framework that enables these companies scale to emerging markets. This approach will also bring about 100% increase in financial inclusion in the world in the next 5 years. By leveraging the enhanced transactional ecosystem and reduced cost-burden associated with blockchain implementation, CrowdForce seeks to provide a robust blockchain infrastructure for Market Research, Financial Inclusion and Digital Inclusion.

Price1 CRF = 0.03 USD Sale600,000,000 Payment ModeETH, BTC, LTC, XRP
Minimum Investment100 USD Distribution60% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap15,000,000 USD Hard Cap15,000,000 USD