BrandProtect (PreICO) (BRAND) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameBrandProtect (PreICO)
Start DateJuly 28, 2019
End DateFebruary 23, 2020
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BrandProtect is a brand company, which embodied technologies of block chain and cryptoprotection in real sector of the economy.

We use block chain technology to ensure the protection of intellectual property rights of trademark owners, prevent counterfeiting and protect consumers from counterfeit goods.

We create an ecosystem that provides the creation and functioning of hardware and software packages of products, interaction platforms with logistic robots, network and geolocation monitors, smartphone apps marking.

BrandProtect platform allows generating the necessary for the user apps and program products, crypto markers for products (digital or QR code), branded smartphone application from any part of the world within minutes. As well as to launch and use all the functionality embedded in them.

The information about the origin of items, its characteristics, and properties, terms of its usage, transportation is written in the block chain and stored within the distributed roster ensures immutability, availability, transparency and full replication of data.

CEO, Founder
Web Designer
Content manager
Price0.6500 USD Sale15,000,000 Payment ModeETH, BTC, EOS, TRX, USD, EUR
Minimum Investment10 USD Distribution7% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap520,000 USD Hard Cap1,365,000 USD