Bizavest Analytics Platform (Bizc) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameBizavest Analytics Platform
Start DateJuly 13, 2018
End DateDecember 10, 2018

Bizavest is a data analytics and business intelligence platform that allows business and startups get relevant and valuable intelligence for business wherever they are with the ease of using a social network. Thanks to decentralization and user-inclusion paradigm, it is now possible to develop a community dedicated to valuable and providing data across a Blockchain. 

Chief Strategist/Co-founder/Big Data Analyst
Lead Content Dev
Strategy and Partnerships
Price1 Bizc = 0.00005 ETH Sale45,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum Investment3 ETH Distribution45% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap500 ETH Hard Cap50,000 ETH