BitCoinage (XBCN) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameBitCoinage
Start DateTBA
End DateTBA
CountryTurks And Caicos
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With the advent of Bitcoin, founder Satoshi Nakamoto ignited a financial revolution that would reverberate throughout the international marketplace. The most notable ramification from the emergence of Bitcoin, is its ability to put the world’s financial power back in the hands of the people. Nakamoto could see that if people controlled their own financial destiny, not only could they bypass the dishonest banking system, but this new form of currency could potentially play a role in uniting our badly torn and fragmented planet. Without any governments or banks to separate us; financially speaking, people could unite and mutually benefit from one another.

Principal Visionary, Founder
Chief Technology Officer, Lead Developer
Price1 ETH = 6,154 XBCN Sale110,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution55% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap17,500 ETH