Academia Lingu (LIN) ICO Details & Financial Information

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ICO NameAcademia Lingu
Start DateOctober 01, 2018
End DateDecember 31, 2018
5 years ago
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Academia Lingu is a platform, which aims to give equal language education to all internet users, based on blockchain technology. Learner who wants to practice a language on this platform may reach level based news and articles for his or her own interest, identify his or her level and need, take or give peer to peer sessions. Kids may learn a language without notice in a fun way. Beside these, learner may also use platform only to improve his/her speaking skill.

Through Academia Lingu teachers can move away from traditional and limited teaching methods to their own innovative and personalized approaches.

Teachers can determine their lessons’ worth on their own, so that their motivation to work stays at top level all the time. Feedbacks given to the education that teacher gives is immediately after the session, so does their payment.

Furthermore Academia Lingu plans to develop a new language learning methodology based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to widen the horizon of language learning world. This methodology contains exclusive Academia Lingu’s course books, cognitive and productive skills books. At this point Academia Lingu creates materials and curriculum far from the clumsy traditional teaching methods that simply couldn’t keep up with the today’s world. Learners who involved in Academia Lingu can use these materials during his/her education process on our platform and more Academia Lingu will introduce this system to local language teaching institutes and let them involve in this platform. As a result of this, institutes, which can only be active locally, will be able to act globally by reaching teachers from all over the world, materials that is suitable for all type of learners, individualized learning progress.

CEO & Co-Founder
CTO & Co-Founder
Senior Soft. Dev. & Co-Founder
Price1 ETH = 66.000 LIN Sale4,800,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution43.5% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard Cap4,800,000,000 USD